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5 Great Seed Companies for PNW Gardening

(Disclaimer: I am not affiliated or representing any company or product listed below. These views are mine alone and I am receiving no compensation for my reviews.)

Uprising Organic Seeds

Located in Bellingham, Washington, this has been my go-to seed company for several years. What they lack in variety, they definitely make up for in quality. Some of my most successful crops have come from Uprising Seeds. They germinate well, and most importantly, are well suited to our local growing climate here in Washington state. Here’s a secret: you really don’t need 25 different varieties of carrots. One good quality, delicious, reliable carrot variety is worth way more than many mediocre ones.

My favorites from Uprising:

Scarlet Nantes Carrots

Tonda di Parigi Carrots

Touchstone Gold Beets

Summertime Lettuce

PNW Heirloom Seed

I found this online shop last year and fell in love! After buying a few cool varieties of tomato and our favorite new find-lavender bell peppers, I was absolutely devastated when a mouse took out nearly all of my starts last year, including my pnwheirloomseeds. But, you live you learn. I will not let mice get the best of me next spring!

Im excited to try these in my garden:

San Juan Tsile Chilis

Black Cobra Peppers

Shadow Boxing Tomatoes

Black Keyes Tomatoes and

Blue Beauty Tomatoes

High Mowing Organic Seeds

Although not located in the PNW, I decided to add High Mowing to the list because I feel it is a good, bigger farm company that has a much larger variety than the smaller farms. It’s located in Vermont, which is in zone 4a, and I have had much more success growing things from them as opposed to other companies located in a warmer zone than me. Sometimes it is nice to try new varieties and find new favorites! If that’s your style, you will love High Mowing! It has 17 different varieties of carrots!

Here are two that I’ve tried and liked:

Red Core Chantenay

Cosmic Purple

Seattle Seed Co.

Although I have not tried this company before, I’m very excited to place my order and try some seeds from them in the coming year. They have a beautiful website, large selcetion and are 100% certified organic. They also have non-seed garden related products as well.

Im excited to try:

Red Express Cabbage

Little Fingers Carrots

Echinacea Purpurea

Autumn Beauty Sunflower

Deep Harvest Farm

Another new-to-me seed company, Deep Harvest Farm is located on Whidbey Island in Washington. I don’t know why I hadn’t heard of them before, but I am super excited to try some of their varieties! They have a pretty good selection of organic seeds and they also offer an organic CSA.

Here’s what I’m looking forward to try:

Kale Party 2020

Nimbus Sweat Peas

Hilmar Carrots

Island Market Broccoli

Why Organic and Heirloom Seeds?

You may have noticed that all of these seed companies are either non-gmo or organic, heirloom or open pollinated, and all but one are local to me in Washington Sate.

Supporting local businesses is very important to me. I think how we grow our food and how we interact with our environment matters. Our Earth is well designed and we would be wise to work WITH nature instead of against it. I believe in respectful stewardship of the land.

In addition, heirloom and open pollinated varieties allow us to be able to save our own seeds, thus reducing our dependency on outside sources to grow our own food.

Thank you for reading! If you have any other suggestions for great seed companies in our area, please let me know below in the comments!

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