
Homemade Brown Sugar

Have you ever been in the middle of making cookies or something and realized that you didn’t have any brown sugar? You may have thought darn, I cant make those delicious cookies without that ingredient, so you either go to the store to pick some up or you scratch making the cookies all together. Or you get real crazy and go with the plain sugar, but then the final product just isn’t the same. Well, guess what! You can make brown sugar at home with ingredients you probably already have on your shelf!

What you are going to need

4 cups cane sugar

2-4 tablespoons molasses

a mixer-either a stand mixer or hand held mixer

How you are going to make it

Place sugar in your mixer. Turn it on medium-high speed and slowly drizzle in the molasses. How much molasses you put in depends on if you want a light or a dark brown sugar. Turn the mixer to the highest speed. There may be a moment when you feel like it isn’t working, but give it a little bit longer until the molasses is fully incorporated. You will know it is done when is has turned a light or medium brown, is fluffy and there are only small specs of molasses remaining.

Use the brown sugar exactly as you would a store bought version.

Store in a glass jar at room temperature.



What are you going to use it in?

Homemade instant oatmeal*


Banana Bread

Sugar Scrub


Speaking of cookies, I’m going to share a super yummy chocolate chip cookie recipe with you, so you can go ahead and put your brand spankin new homemade brown sugar to good use. You can also use the Vanilla from this recipe here. Obviously, I didn’t invent chocolate chip cookies. My recipe is adapted from the countless recipes I have made over the years and inspired by the plenty of mistakes I have made in the kitchen. Some of the ingredients I call for are there because I ran out of the normal stuff and had to use what I had on hand and realized that certain substitutions resulted in a superior cookie.

Kristin’s Super Yummy Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Soft Chewy Crunchy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 cups white flour

1/2 cup emmer flour*

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

10 tablespoons room temperature butter

1 1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 coconut sugar*

2 eggs

2 teaspoons vanilla

1 1/2 cup chocolate chips

Mix flours, baking soda and salt in a bowl, set aside. In a mixer, combine butter and sugars and mix on medium high for 2 minutes until fluffy. Add the eggs and vanilla. Mix until well combined and smooth. Add dry ingredients and mix on low-medium until it comes together. Add chocolate chips and mix on high for a few seconds to incorporate.

Spoon mixture into small to medium size balls on a silpat lined cookie sheet.

Bake 12-14 minutes until slightly browned. Let cool on sheet for 1 minute and then transfer to a cooling rack.


*Surely you can substitute the emmer flour and coconut sugar for equal amounts of white flour and brown sugar, however the former will result in a firmer crunchier cookie than you would get otherwise.

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