
When Life Gives You A Pandemic, Plant A Garden.

It is no secret that our world is going through a tough time right now.

You can’t even turn on your phone or tv without being flooded with news of the corona virus. I don’t want to add to any of that fear, but the reality is that some people aren’t working right now, food staple shelves are bare, people are scared. In my state, schools and businesses are shut down and we are being told to stay home and only go out for essentials.

Whether it’s a virus, job loss, trauma or a natural disaster, life is subject to throwing us curve balls when we are prepared for it or when we don’t even see it coming.

While a lot of us are quarantined at home, fear is abundant and the future seems so uncertain, the BEST thing that you could be doing right now is to



“What?! Start a garden, you say? How on Earth is that going to help me during this difficult time?”

Well, good sir or ma’am, I will tell you exactly why. Starting a garden will…

  • 1-give you something to do while you are bored out of your mind in quarantine. You’re welcome.
  • 2-do good things for your mind and body. It’s therapeutic.
  • 3-remind you that there are good things to come.
  • 4-give you the hope of something good to eat while there is uncertainty about what’s on the shelves at the supermarket.
  • 5-Because it’s Spring, and THAT’S WHAT YOU DO!!!

Seriously. What could be more appropriate during a time of food-insecurity?

You know, I read somewhere that victory gardens accounted for about 40% of food production during the second world war.

Our country is no stranger turning to the garden to get us through tough times. I would argue that that is exactly what we all ought to be doing right now.

What if you don’t have any seeds?

I can almost guarantee you that one of your neighbors has an abundance of seeds sitting on their shelf right now, and there is a very good chance they would be willing to share them with you. I have actually never met a gardener that didn’t want to share seeds. It’s like a thing that we do. It’s kind of like the best kind of peer pressure.

“Here, take some organic heirloom seeds, try them, you’ll like it!”

Except you will actually like it. And it’s good for you. Planting seeds may be addictive, but they aren’t drugs. I swear.


What if you don’t know where to start?

Listen, I get it. There is a lot of information out there and it can seem overwhelming to start something new.

Are you a beginning gardener and just need some basic information to get started?

Friend, I am here to help you out.

I want people to try-and to fall in love with-gardening.

So much so that I am going to do a series of posts helping you get started on your first garden.

Are you up for the challenge? I promise it wont be a hard as you think.

I’ll be back in the next post to go over the first steps you should take when starting a garden.

If you want to skip ahead, check out my blog post about where to get some seeds.

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