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    5 Ways To Inspire Young Kids To Love The Homesteading Lifestyle

    1. Get small animals. When people think of farms, they usually envision the iconic large farm animals like horses, cows and big fat pigs. There is nothing wrong with having these animals on your homestead, of course, and I know that I thoroughly enjoyed having them growing up. However, large animals can be intimidating to kids, be a safety concern and limits their opportunity to interact with them independently. Small animals are a great way for your kids to be able to take care of an animal, hold it, feed it and be around it safely. If a child can interact with an animal independently, the more likely they are…

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    Spring 2020 Update

    Well, as you know, 2020 has been a weird year. Besides the whole virus/pandemic/quarantine situation, we’ve experienced another challenging thing. The Bad. In January, my husband Rory hurt his back. We didn’t know at the time how serious or debilitating this would end up being for him. It is now the end of April and he is still not able to function fully. He is seeing a specialist and seems to be headed in the direction of healing, but as any of you with back problems know, it can be a slow process. Some days he is in a lot of pain and not able to do much at all.…

  • Gardening,  Uncategorized

    Using Ladybugs as Natural Pest Control

    I noticed a bag of creepy crawly things while shopping at a local garden center last year. My first thought, ew, but upon closer inspection I realized that this bag contained probably the least despised creature of the bug world. Ladybugs! I already knew that ladybugs, also known as ladybird beetles, were helpful in controling the aphid population in your garden, I just didn’t realize you could actually purchase them at the store like a bag of chips. Who knew?! But alas, buying bugs is completely legit. Maybe I should put that on a t-shirt-“I Buy Bugs”. I’d buy that shirt! This was our second year releasing ladybugs into our…

  • Gardening,  Uncategorized

    So You Want To Start A Garden.

    Whether it’s been a long time coming or the recent outbreak has inspired you to take action, now is a great time to plant your first garden. People are scared. They don’t know if the grocery stores are going to have the items they need on the shelves. For the first time in a long time, many people are truly worried about food security. If there is one silver lining to come out of this challenging time, it is this. People are being inspired to become more self sufficient. More than ever, people are realizing that having complete dependence on a government or industrial food system is just not wise.…

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    When Life Gives You A Pandemic, Plant A Garden.

    It is no secret that our world is going through a tough time right now. You can’t even turn on your phone or tv without being flooded with news of the corona virus. I don’t want to add to any of that fear, but the reality is that some people aren’t working right now, food staple shelves are bare, people are scared. In my state, schools and businesses are shut down and we are being told to stay home and only go out for essentials. Whether it’s a virus, job loss, trauma or a natural disaster, life is subject to throwing us curve balls when we are prepared for it…

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    Homestead Update Fall 2019

    It is now the beginning of December, winter is fast approaching. Fall is almost behind us and that marks one full year for us on our new homestead. As we are about to move on to a new year, it is an excellent time to review our 2019 homestead projects and make our plans for the new year. 2019 has been a year full of challenges and changes. My kids turned 1, 5 and 4. Leon officially started homeschool kindergarten, and it feels like a new season of life for us. We experienced our first spring and summer on the new homestead. It was a year of learning and enjoying…

  • Holiday,  Uncategorized

    Holiday Gift Ideas for Homestead Kids

    Whether you live on a homestead or just enjoy the great outdoors, here are some holiday gift ideas for the homestead kids in your life. If you need some gift ideas for adults, check out our post 5 Great Seed Companies For Gardening in the PNW. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.) 1. Gardening Tools My kids love to help in the garden, but they also like to use tools for non gardening activities as well. What I love about these tools is that they are made of wood and metal, not plastic, and can hold up to some hard core use. We got a set quite…

  • Gardening,  Uncategorized

    5 Great Seed Companies for PNW Gardening

    (Disclaimer: I am not affiliated or representing any company or product listed below. These views are mine alone and I am receiving no compensation for my reviews.) Uprising Organic Seeds Located in Bellingham, Washington, this has been my go-to seed company for several years. What they lack in variety, they definitely make up for in quality. Some of my most successful crops have come from Uprising Seeds. They germinate well, and most importantly, are well suited to our local growing climate here in Washington state. Here’s a secret: you really don’t need 25 different varieties of carrots. One good quality, delicious, reliable carrot variety is worth way more than many…

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    What Is Modern Homesteading?

    When many people hear the word “homesteading”, they think of the hardcore people who moved west to claim their share of Lincoln’s 1862 Homestead Act. Some of these people didn’t have any homesteading skills, yet they risked their lives to cross the continent in search of a better life. This better life wasn’t easy and often came at a steep cost. If the person could successfully live on their 160 acres of land for 5 years, they would become owners of that land. This required a lot of hard work, ingenuity and strong survival skills. Many failed. They either lost their lives to the cause or gave up and went…

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    Welcome to the Homestead

    Hello spring! The seasons have gotten interesting here in the Pacific Northwest in the last couple of decades. Or, maybe they have always been this weird and I just never took notice because I was too busy being a kid. The summers seem to be getting hotter. We barely have a spring anymore. This past winter we had the somewhat disappointing “snowmageddan”. It seems the only reliable season around here is good ol’ fall. I can’t help but be totally pumped about our first spring here on the homestead. I feel that we have a unique situation here. Although this is our first year in our new place, we’ve been…


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Wilder Family Homestead